About the
foundation of JobTreffer.

Background of the revolutionary job platform

The perfect match!

The JobTreffer platform revolutionizes your recruitment!

Our JobTreffer screening was developed by our occupational psychologists within the framework of several studies with the University of Vienna and matches all your applicants with your job offer.

By comparing the expectations of employers and applicants, or of managers and new employees during onboarding, they learn which important topics need to be discussed.

For the interview, recruiters and managers receive an interview guide and discuss relevant topics for a lasting cooperation at eye level right away.

quote image
"If a fairy came along and you had three wishes. What would you wish for?"
Martin Küler, MSc MBA, Founder & CEO

That was the first question asked by the HR manager at my first job interview in 2008. 15 years later, I'm sitting on the other side asking the questions.

Der Weg zu deinem Traumjob

How it is done today

After the time-consuming coordination of appointments, the first interview takes place. Admittedly, the fairy question doesn't come up, but my questions are probably just as ineffective as if the fairy were to ask for three wishes.


It is not uncommon for the interview to last far too long due to false expectations, both from the applicant to the company and vice versa, and therefore it should never have taken place.

Der Weg zu deinem Traumjob

False expectations

So why are we still doing this in 2023? Why can't we clarify mutual expectations in advance? Was the fairy question just a way to politely let time pass? Why does the search for a job still work the way it has for over 20 years?

Der Weg zu deinem Traumjob

My vision:

Transparent and efficient discussions at eye level, where prejudices no longer have a place and we become up to 30% more efficient in HR processes!

Der Weg zu deinem Traumjob

Scientifically based

It should be possible to determine scientifically whether a job, a manager, a team or a company really suits you. With this question in mind, I turned to the renowned occupational psychologist Univ. Lekt. Mag. Dr. Bardia Monshi, who discussed the idea with his team, carefully examined the idea and, based on this, began the scientific work to answer this question. The project "JobTreffer" thus took its course.
In the meantime, we have conducted several studies together with the University of Vienna and the result is our JobTreffer screening.

Der Weg zu deinem Traumjob

Conversations at eye level

We have made it our mission to ensure that "empty miles" are finally a thing of the past and that job interviews take on a new quality with contemporary methods. JobTreffer - is designed not only to save us all time, but also to enable us to conduct job interviews at eye level. This is now possible through the scientifically based and early matching of mutual and transparent expectations.